A Marathon, or a Sprint?

 A Marathon, or a Sprint?

March 2022
How are those New Year’s Resolutions going?


I think we all know the answer to that one, sadly.

It’s noteworthy that now (March), statistically, is the time that all our good intentions start to evaporate.  Turn to dust.  Put back into a big box marked ‘do not open until next year’.
Before you get too depressed, be assured you are not alone.
Some time ago, I was visiting a well-known health and fitness group.  All businesses have a typical cadence over the course of a year, and we got into a conversation about the ebb and flow of their particular sector.  It seems that between Christmas and New Year, people tend to over-indulge.  We eat and drink all the things we shouldn’t, and lots of it, which sounds wonderful.  Until we step on those pesky bathroom scales.

Of course, that is just one example.  It may be any number of alternative scenarios such as giving up smoking, changing jobs, finding a new partner, moving house…you get the general idea.  But in the specific case of the gym, it seems that they get a surge of new memberships early in the New Year.  Attendance numbers increase through the gate, and floor space is at a premium.  Exercise machines are perpetually busy, and classes are full.  But then it gradually starts to tail off.  Attendance reduces back to pre-Christmas levels and a couple of months after that, members cancel their direct debits.  It is not unusual to see a number of promotions throughout the year, to try and keep membership up.  ‘Get beach-ready’ for the holidays etc.  That sort of thing.

In business, as in life, it pays to keep focus on the big picture.  Play the long game.  Consistency is key.  The story of the Tortoise and the Hare isn’t just for children after all.  If we start something, it needs to be sustainable to have any chance of success over time.  Ponder this, before embarking on a new campaign, adding a new line of business or service or product.  Is it a flash in the pan, or can you sustain (and hopefully enhance) it over time?

Here at Assyst, we strive to be consistent in our business, with our products, and in how we treat our customers.  We have never wavered from our founding principles ‘to provide financial services professionals with the very best tools they need to do their job more efficiently’.  It was true back when we started, and even more pertinent today as IFA’s endeavour to navigate choppy waters, in a world that is ever-more complex, with even greater requirements for regulatory compliance.

Perhaps the #AssystAdvantage could help smooth the peaks and troughs for your business?

About Assyst Software

Assyst is the client management software suite of choice for Financial Advisers.  The Assyst platform empowers and inspires Independent Financial Advisors, Investment Managers and Paraplanners with the AssystAdvantage. Assyst enables Finance professionals to better run their business and help manage their regulatory reporting responsibilities.

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